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Farming Fuels Rural Economies, but Income Challenges Persist

Read about farming’s economic impact >

Strengthening the economy and our communities

Emily Corcoran

"[Two] themes that we hear pretty frequently from the Richmond Fed's engagement with rural communities. The first is the importance of partnerships, coalition building, and leadership development. The second is leveraging and building on existing community assets."

Emily Corcoran
Senior Manager of Regional and Community Analysis

Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond

Events Calendar

By the Numbers

visiting economists presented in 2024 at our Collaboration of Research Economists (CORE) Weeks and their associated conferences, which aim to advance research and collaboration in the economics profession.
Career Person Banner photo of Jonathon

"I value the Fed because I have the most exceptional support system. I feel like everyone is my family and genuinely cares about me."

- Jonathan, Audit